VEKKS & KostNixLaden
Ratschkygasse 14/1 (Eingang Erlgasse) 1120 Wien
Tel.: +43(0)681 10619938
1.2. 2025 19h30 Einlass
Pedro DuAhrt - Hary Wetterstein - PetraOm
Psychedelische Kunstmusik
Pedro DuAhrt – Querflöte
Hary Wetterstein - Sitarre, Stimme, E-Bow, Loops
PetraOm – Groove, Sounds, Monochord
Pedro DuAhrt, Musiker aus Portugal, hat 12 Jahre in Wien gelebt, 7 Jahre davon, zur Wetterstein-Musik, die psychedelische Basis und die polymelodische Komponente entwickelt, kommt für dieses Konzert wieder nach Wien und wird mit seinem außergewöhnlichen Flötenspiel bezaubern.Wetterstein spielt auf seinen Sitarren, aus eigener Werkstatt.PetraOm ist für die digitalen Grooves und Beats und spacigen Sounds zuständig, dazu erklingen manchmal das Monochord oder die Stimme. Meditativ trance-ige Sequenzen und rhythmisch tanzbare Passagen lösen einander ab und nehmen den aufmerksamen Zuhörer mit, auf eine Reise in andere Welten.DabeiSein: Freie
Farabi Toshiyuki Suzuki was born in Japan. He is a DJ and also plays several musical instruments: shamisen (japanese traditional string instrument), guitar, bass, synthesizer, percussion, self made instrument, as well as singing. He is a song writer and composes using his computer and a tape recorder. In 2016 he moved to Europe, Israel, and Asia in order to create music in those places. After returning to Japan, he edited the material performed and recorded in each country. His sound is developed upon the concept of “universal world”, advocated by philosopher Al Farabi. Recently he has formed the nepalese japanese band "Ek dui tin char". Also he contributes with his music to the work of mashup visual artist BacSoiBros. And then he released a lot of album from label of over the world.
Farabi seeks to synchronize primitive and futuristic approaches. Visual effects, phenomena, reverberation, and psychological factors are all taken in consideration at the same time.
11.2.2025 19h30 Einlass
Felix Nussbaumer
Felix Nussbaumer macht Musik mit Blasinstrumenten, Schaltkreisen, Mikrofonen und Lautsprechern. In seiner aktuellen Arbeit spielt er auf seiner selbstgebauten Reed-Trumpet (Rohrblatt-Trompete), die aus Versatzstücken alter Trompeten und einem Saxophon-Mundstück besteht.
13.2.2025 19h30 Einlass
ein freier dialog der kreativen : tänzerinnen, musikerinnen, malerinnen, poetinnen und dem publikum ; das nicht existente JETZT greift auf raum und zeit zu. die FREIE KOMMUNIKATION rückt ins zentrum;
-> frei im sinne von in „augenhöhe, in gegenseitiger akzeptanz; hierarchie befreit bzw. befreiend“, offen kommunizierend und grenzen überschreitend. FREE FORMS ist offen für alle genres soferne sie sich dem freien, offenen, kreativen dialog aussetzen wollen.
-> JUST MUSIC ist teil der internationalen FREE FORMS bewegung.
------- english ------------
-a free dialogue of the creative : dancers, musicians, painters, poets and the audience ; the non-existent NOW accesses space and time. the FREE COMMUNICATION moves into the centre;
-free in the sense of "on an equal footing, in mutual acceptance; liberating hierarchy", communicating openly and transcending boundaries. FREE FORMS is open to all genres as long as they want to expose themselves to free, open, creative dialogue.
JUST MUSIC is part of the international FREE FORMS movement.
18.2.2025 19h30 Einlass
Adrian Myhr Trio
Adrian Myhr Trio is:
Adrian Myhr - double bass, compositions
Rasmus Kjorstad - violin, langeleik
Jan Martin Gismervik - drums, harmonium
This trio is at the intersection of jazz, Norwegian folk music and contemporary music. One can also hear hints of raga music from India, as well as Albanian singing tradition. The music is suggestive, melodious, meditative and has an acoustic expression with a good deal of use of improvisation.
Rasmus Kjorstad plays fiddle and langeleik, Jan Martin Gismervik plays drums, hanging vibraphone and harmonium and Adrian Myhr plays double bass. With this line-up, the trio has great variation in expression and instrumentation. It provides opportunities from e.g. playing long solos on top of a bass and drum groove to playing long drones on the harmonium and with a bow on the double bass and fiddle.
25.2.2025 19h30 Einlass
St Celfer, Nina Sobell, Sachiko Hayashi, Fluffy Crumb
Regina Außerwöger, Stefan Krist, Didi Kern
St Celfer, treading glitch-tronic failure, creates improvisational future-folk compositions - sound is amalgamated and congealed into a resolution of crossed and overloaded signals. In performance St Celfer embraces sensory overload in order to unlock ways of perceiving a world made narrow by the impositions of power. john macdougall parker, of American and Korean origin, floats between NYC, Seattle, and São Paulo. (photo by Marcus Leoni)
Nina Sobell is a New York-based multimedia artist renowned for bringing her pioneering integration of technology, performance, and interactivity into contemporary art. Her work has explored concepts of communication and connectivity through cutting-edge technologies such as brain-wave monitoring device (EEG), closed-circuit television, and internet connection, investigating how technology transforms perception, fosters connection, and reveals hidden aspects of human experience. Sachiko Hayashi, a Japanese-born, Sweden-based artist, is recognised for her video art and digital media practice, addressing themes of memory, identity, and time—both personal and collective—often through a non-verbal, experimental approach. Together, Sobell and Hayashi have been cultivating a creative partnership that merges Sachiko’s AI-generated visuals with Nina’s sound art, examining new artistic possibilities at the intersection of technology, sound, and image.
Fluffy Crumb, an engineer from Poland who has dreamed of mastering chaos since childhood, studied deterministic chaos and has been writing scripts and applications since, but the real success in this goal is music - honest, emotional sound art based on balloon clamors and rackets, which can be heard on
KaK =
Stefan Krist - Posaune, Objekte, Stimme
Regina Außerwöger - Geige, Zither, Stimme,
Didi Kern - Percussion
"Kak?" (="Wie?") Diese Frage, die ja alle ziemlich regelmäßig sprachlich stellen, aber meistens keine Antwort bekommen, stellt das Improvisationsmusiktrio Krist/Außerwöger/Kern mit musikalischen, klanglichen und geräuschigen Mitteln und kommt zu Antworten, die ziemlich regelmäßig überraschen. Spannung ist also garantiert, wenn die drei auf ihren vielen Idio-, Membrano-, Chordo-, und Aerophonen loslegen und dazu auch noch ihre Stimmen erheben.