VEKKS & KostNixLaden
Ratschkygasse 14/1 (Eingang Erlgasse) 1120 Wien
Tel.: +43(0)681 10619938
Email: georg.stejskal@drei.at
4.9.2021 19h00 Eric Arn
solo elektro-akustische gitarre erkundung mit abstrakten klängen, unregelmäßiger stimmung und stochastischen rhythmischen prozessen, um immersive klangumgebungen zu schaffen. körperlose musik, die eine spannende dramaturgie und syntax von fremdartiger dissonanz und verwirrender rhythmischer auflösung ausspielt.
Das Konzert findet im Rahmen der Reihe QUERWELLE statt.
Die Auseinandersetzung mit Rhythmus ist das verbindende Element aller Konzerte dieser Reihe.

Bitte die aktuellen Covid19 Massnahmen der BR beachten.
7.9.2021 19h00 N & Bu.d.d.A
The music of N is like a mirror of the moment. Ragardless how much thinking and planning went before. The sound captured by a „live“ -recording setting comes directly from inside. Amps + guitar are the instruments used. There is no cut and paste afterwards nor any overdub... all N-work is counted by numbers that reflect the timeline of recording and/or the moment of the conclusion to go for the certain concept.
All N-recordigs (with this possible exception of single-tracks) dela with a real place and so the title of any album does.
During live-performance N does not use any backing tapes nor prefabricated loops.
Der Bund des Dritten Auges ist ein noch relativ junges Projekt der beiden Musiker Sascha Stadlmeier/EMERGE und Chris Sigdell/B°TONG, welches sich dem meditativ ambienten Drone
verschrieben hat, und vor allem mit Gitarre, Geige und Stimme arbeitet. Seit der Gründung in Barcelona hat das Duo bereits mehrere EPs veröffentlicht, und trotz der Pandemie 2020 eine
Deutschlandtournee vor ausverkauften Häusern gespielt. Momentan arbeitet das Duo an ihrem ersten Album - mit den Gästen Common Eider/King Eider, Drekka und Bebawinigi.
Wer Schubladen benötigt - der Sound klingt nach Troum trifft Earth zusammen mit Brian Eno.
Aber in Wirklichkeit baut Bu.d.d.A. auf den ihnen eigenen Klängen und dem Erbe der Deutschen Industrialband NID (1995-2005) auf, bei welchen Chris von Anfang bis Ende dabei war, und
deren posthume CD bei Auf Abwegen (Asmus Tietchens etc.) erschien.

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25.9.2021 19h00 CYTOKININ
Cytokinins (CK) are a class of plant growth substances (phytohormones) that promote cell division, or cytokinesis, in plant roots and shoots.(Wikipedia)
The unit was formed in Stuttgart by composer and electronics expert Remmy Canedo(Chile) and vocalist Kanae Mizobuchi(Japan).They creates a new sound space in addition to programmed electronics for the improvised voice performance (sometimes accompanied by objects and visual elements). In addition, each performance is recorded and remixed to be preserved and further grown. This exciting music will be an effective growth hormone for your ears
Kanae Mizobuchi (Voice,Performer) is soprano who is highly recommended for contemporary music.After she studied at Strasbourg with Françoise Kubler, she moved to Germany and now she is in Master Neue Musik(Prof.Angelika Luz) at HMDK Stuttgart.She participated many festivals and residency, Voix Nouvelles ,Delian Academy for new music(guest artist),Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme(CAPPA), Hotel Saint-Valière(residence artist).TAMA contemporary music and arts festival.Sometimes she composed performative piece or small electronic piece and they are played at Matreselva(Paris),Festival die irirtierte Stadt(Stuttgart).And also she worked many variety of ensemble or chorus all over the world,Ensemble Linea,UMZE Ensemble,Quatuor Adastra,Ensemble Accroche Note and as chorist, Klangforum Heidelberg,Deutscher Kammerchor,SWR Vokalesemble
Remmy Canedo (Composer,Electronics) Remmy Canedo is a digital alchemist that transmutes mechanical waves into experimental electronic art. Musikhochschule Stuttgart (MA & Konzertexamen) with Marco Stroppa and later at IRCAM (Cursus 1 & 2) with Hector Parra. His music explores the manipulation and deformation of sound in real time, being the experimentation and dialog between machines and performers his central point. In the past years, he focuses his work on the implementation of live algorithmic composition as an expansion of the concept of sound manipulation, but in this case applied to the score, generating interactive networks that involve the compositional process, performers and visual elements for the creation of multiform music. In 2012 he start making audiovisual installations together with Tobias Hartmann which gave birth to AVAF (AudioVisualArtFabrik) collective for interactive art, winning the 1st prize in the International Lanxess Composition Competition at Acht Brücken Festival (Köln). Also, in 2013 he founded Reactive Ensemble, an electronic ensemble specialized in computer music design for the performance of electronic music & multimedia art.

Bitte beachtet die jeweils gültigen Corona Regeln der BR.

Abstract Household Warfare is a collaboration between two prolific Hungarian sound artists. The industrial noise warlock Rovar17 and the rhythmic hermit Xpldnglke. Together the duo creates soundscapes that exists somewhere between catatonic phantom noises and stimulating beats. It's all an eternal struggle for the control over the mixer, or just infinite loops of the secular idleness at the first morning after lobotomy.

2.10.2021 19h00 Abstract Household Warfare & Bobby Shyze
A Bobby Shyze a Korai Öröm két zenészébÅ‘l 2019-ben alakult, analóg szinti live act. A
zenéjük vidám, savas techno, mely napfényben és holdfényben is megállja a helyét. A
lényeg, hogy legyen tánc!
Bobby Shyze is the analog synth live act project of two members of Korai Öröm band.
Theey make happy acid techno that franticly moves your body both in sunlight and in
moonlight. So let’s dance!
Bobby Shyze ist ein mit analogen Synthesizer vorgetragenes Live-Act von zwei
Mitgliedern der Band Korai Öröm. Sie herstellen fröhlichen Acid Techno, der wirkt
ebenso rasend im Sonnenschein, als auch im Mondschein. Also, let’s dance

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