VEKKS & KostNixLaden
Ratschkygasse 14/1 (Eingang Erlgasse) 1120 Wien
Tel.: +43(0)681 10619938
Email: georg.stejskal@drei.at
14. Jänner 2023 19h30 Einlass
IKE (Isaac de Martin)
The music of Isaac de Martin, aka IKE, blends jazz and electronic influences into warm, smooth, and often cinematic soundscapes. A certain eclecticism is not surprising considering that the Berlin-based composer, producer and guitarist was born in Italy into a musical family with British roots, studied classical guitar, graduated in jazz and went on to develop his personal style through creative experimentation, live touring and collaborative work with artists from a variety of disciplines and countries.
The show IKE & Great Escape, is a collection of songs and instrumental pieces that have a common theme: the escape from – or possible antidotes to – our present techno-scientific society. His second album The Great Escape was released in early 2022 on Four Flies Records.
The live concert will be with Ike on guitars and electronics and Alessandro Brunetta on tenor saxophone.

21. Jänner 2023 19h30 Einlass
Pedro DuAhrt - Hary Wetterstein - PetraOm
Psychedelische Kunstmusik
Pedro DuAhrt – Querflöte
Hary Wetterstein - Sitarre, Stimme, E-Bow, Loops
PetraOm – Groove, Sounds, Monochord
Pedro DuAhrt, Musiker aus Portugal, hat 12 Jahre in Wien gelebt, 7 Jahre davon, zur Wetterstein-Musik, die psychedelische Basis und die polymelodische Komponente entwickelt, kommt für dieses Konzert wieder nach Wien und wird mit seinem außergewöhnlichen Flötenspiel bezaubern.
Wetterstein spielt auf seinen Sitarren, aus eigener Werkstatt.
PetraOm ist für die digitalen Grooves und Beats und spacigen Sounds zuständig, dazu erklingen manchmal das Monochord oder die Stimme.
Meditativ trance-ige Sequenzen und rhythmisch tanzbare Passagen lösen einander ab und nehmen den aufmerksamen Zuhörer mit, auf eine Reise in andere Welten.
DabeiSein: Freie Spende

4. Februar 2023 19h30 Einlass
neOanderthal is a musical, sound and social experiment. It's a live concert, without loops and based on an self-made instrument kit, whose materials are strictly recovered, recycled and played manually with different techniques.
The artist proposes a one hour live show (duration can be adapted depending on the context, time at disposal and needs) that waves between techno, minimal, industrial and ambient sonorities, and a general exploration of the hypnotic and trance experience, paying special attention to the study of the organic sound and research through materials, its sound response and the relationship with te audience mood.
The aim of the project is to re-discover electronic sounds getting to them from the basis, from the organics and through basic and primitive instruments instead of synths, samplers and drum machines. And putting the human being replacing the sequencer for a real live and gestural performance.

18. Februar2023 19h30 Einlass
Zabloudil(a) / ZBL:DL
Zabloudil(a) in trio or freshly ZBL:DL too (two members band) is the setting to music of free play and played freedom - Zabloudil(a) is an improvisation of sounds, lights and movement. An original Moravian eclectic band spanning all kinds of music and non-music, spaces, sounds and noises with roots in 80‘s. Avant-garde noise pleasure for the heart and mind will heading in February 2023 for minitour through Hungary, Slovakia & Austria.
They used to be Zabloudil, since their formation in 1987 they have toured the whole of Czecho-Slovakia and Europe (Poland, Germany, Hungary, Belgium, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, France, Latvia, Finland, Sweden and others), performed at the festivals Alternativa or Boskovice, graduated several tours with international bands such as OvO, Dog Faced Hermans, VIalka or Trottel. They have released several LPs, EPs or split EPs on vinyl, CD or cassette (see Bandcamp). After all that years, Zabloudil (a) is once again revving up the machines of energy and visuals.
Zabloudil(a) info places:
Live videos:

1. März 2023 19h30 Einlass Mjav & Všetuly Sfinx
Mjav started as a solo project of the guitarist Bejbiš, as he moved onto a small Danish island. Later he was joined by the vocalist/guitarist Lavi, recording their album EP. At the same time they began rehearsing as a full cat band with the addition of Dojč on bass and Cikal on drums. In this line-up they recorded live three songs from the EP and released them on 7inch.
The music is characterised by dreamy and jingeling guitars and melancholic vocals, all driven by catchy bass and dynamic drums. Members of the band are or were involved in Fotbal, Rek, Planety, Odeur de Violettes or Black Tar Jesus.
Mjav is leaving the cat beds for the first time this year for a week-long tour and brings their kraut-shoegaze and some new songs with them.
Všetuly Sfinx:
Všetuly Sfinx is a brand new psychedelic duo from Kromeriz CZ which just released their first EP ≈C≈H≈L≈U≈M≈. Všetuly Sfinx merges 70s psych-rock and kraut with ambient, post-rock and free jazz, approach both drums and guitar as a compact single instrument and focus on blending of voidness and walls of noise, accompanied by rhythmic traps.
For fans of: Can, BEAK>, Spirit Of The Beehive, Town Portal

4. März 2023 19h30 Einlass Nanotopia
Nanotopia is an electro-acoustic melange spanning the space between live atmospheric drum and bass, free jazz, and experimental electronica .. a hint of afro beat might melt into a reharmonized balkan ballad, or a raga appear in between dark noise and overdriven drum machines. It's about bringing thoughtful listening and hard-ass booty shaking together in a genre-defying totality.
It features David Karla on sax, clarinet, mixing, sequencer and drum programming, synths, loopers, effects processing, accelerometers, and plumbing supplies.
Special guest artists for the evening: TBA

10. März 2023 19h30 Einlass UASSYN
Tapiwa Svosve, alto saxophon / Silvan Jeger, kontrabass / Vincent Glanzmann, drums
. Progressives . Ursprüngliches . Non-Linearitäten . hthm . Komplexe Konzepte innerhalb
der vertrauten Klanglichkeit eines Jazztrios versetzt mit der kräftigen und ursprünglichen
Energie dreier umtriebiger, junger Schweizer Musiker . Skate Concepts .Non .
https://youtu.be/gunFlwPNtrs . ZACHARYA .
“(...) mit Uassyn erfinden [sie] das Sax-Trio gewisser
massen neu, indem sie den Geist des Free Jazz mit
einer sehr, sehr rätselhaften, aber durchaus physisch
erfahrbaren Beat-Kultur kombinieren. Dabei gehören
auch Momente des Beinahe-Stillstands zu ihrer kryp
tisch-komplexen Musik, die zwischen Abstraktion und
Action oszilliert. Uassyn bildet damit einen Teil einer
neuen Avantgarde, deren Kreativ-Hubs die Städte Lon
don und Zürich bilden.”
Tom Gsteiger

11. März 2023 19h30 Einlass Luca Atzori (Almagesto)
Luca Atzori:
Author, actor, singer-songwriter. Founding member of Mad Pride in Turin (a movement defending the rights of people with mental disorders). Started as the voice of the music group Hidre Intime, which won the Torino Sotterranea award in 2008. He studied philosophy at the University of Turin and acting with several teachers: Marco Viecca, Piero Ferrero, Valentina Veratrini, Anton Milenin, Riccardo Lombardo, and at the Turin Social Theater School. Author of the following books: "The Aberrants" (Anankelab). "Theorem of Stupidity" (Ensemble) "Gospel of the Infamous" (Heretic Editions), "A Man with Broken Eyes" (Rhizomes). He has self-produced the following records "Chi si addormenta da solo lenzuola da solo" 2017, "Mama Roque de Barriera" 2019, "Insekten" 2020, "Iperrealismo magico" (made through the Sanesi Prize in 2020), while the record "Almagesto" and "Disco per l'estate" were produced by the independent label "Radiobluenote", in 2021 the former and 2022.
Almagest is a journey, an opaque dream that narrates the Ptolemaic cosmology. The voices say something that no one can understand. Ancient and primitive songs. The geocentric perspective becomes an obsolete certainty. What was once believed to be true today is no longer true. So in this disc we explore the suggestions of an ancient knowledge, where characters like Regiomontanus and Trapezunzio, ancient mathematicians, appear. I imagine the look in the middle of the sea, in the night. The stars are far away, as is the Moon. But the mind is totally open. In that error of believing to be the center, hallucinations begin. Every mistake when it is believed to be true creates a real world. We know that Nietzsche said that the real world has become a fairy tale. That is why there are no assertions here. There is no sense. Only the opaque auditory vision of something that belongs to a time that never happened. less credits released June 24, 2021 LYR. LUCA ATZORI (IG. Luca_atzori__) MUSIC. ALESSIO CANNAROZZO (IG. Alessio.cannorozzo) MIX. ALESSIO CANNAROZZO PRESENTATION. LUCA ATZORI ARTWORK. DAVIDE BAVA (davidebava_)