VEKKS & KostNixLaden
Ratschkygasse 14/1 (Eingang Erlgasse) 1120 Wien
Tel.: +43(0)681 10619938
Email: georg.stejskal@drei.at
Luca Atzori & Michele Poli
Overtone singing is a widespread tradition throughout the world, especially in pastoral areas. Diplophonies, resonances and harmonies are created with the voice. In this concert Luca Atzori's songs will be accompanied by the music of Michele Poli.
Federico Isasti
Drums & Composition
Mariano Sarra
Piano & Composition
NUDO is an original music duo made up of piano and drums that intends to
investigate the possible sounds of its orchestration. The languages of jazz,
contemporary music and free improvisation are articulated as influences within
the ensemble, allowing an aesthetic identity of indeterminate contours between
written and improvised music.

Ein freier Dialog der Kreativen : Tänzer*innen, Musiker*innen, Maler*innen, Poet*innen und dem Publikum ; das nicht existente JETZT greift auf Raum und Zeit zu. die FREIE KOMMUNIKATION rückt ins Zentrum.Frei Sm sinne von in „Augenhöhe, in gegenseitiger Akzeptanz; Hierarchie befreit bzw. befreiend“, offen kommunizierend und Grenzen überschreitend. FREE FORMS ist offen für alle Genres soferne sie sich dem freien, offenen, kreativen Dialog aussetzen wollen.

10.5.2024 19h30 Einlass
Felix-Florian Tödtloff
David Meier, drums
Laurent Estoppey, saxophone
Immanuel de Souza, guitare
Benoit Moreau, organ, electronics
Between experimental music, rock and instrumental rap, Rabasta plays compositions by Benoit Moreau in which improvisation is always involved. This Swiss group was created recently and has already a great activity with concerts and collaborations (Contrechamps from Geneva, rap artist La Gale), a double vinyl is going to be released soon on Speckled Toshe.
Felix -Florian Tödtloff
Berlin-based experimental musician, Felix-Florian Tödtloff, often performing under the name Sferics, started as a solo artist, improvising frippertronics loops on an electric guitar. Over time, he incorporated layers of subtractive synthesiser drones, percussion, and processed field recordings, expanding his musical vocabulary and leaning towards more compositional techniques.

Abstract Household Warfare is a collaboration between two prolific Hungarian sound artists. On one side of the table, the noise warlock Rovar17 and Xpldnglke (aka the rhythmic hermit of Rákoshegy). The soundscapes initially created by electronic duo glide somewhere between catatonic phantom noises and pulsating rhythms on the thin ice of sound samples contaminated with fragments of pain. It's nothing but a never-ending struggle, an eternal battle for control of the mixer on the first morning after the lobotomy.

Psychedelic Rainbow Warrior Peace Force puts a wormhole in your mind with a galactic power punch. Then, they shoot through it with their musical palette of chill vaporwave and pumping hard techno. Cosmic rhythms, space-warping bass lines and psychedelic monstrosity straight outta the deepest cracks of Youtube.

Film Impedanz
* let's watch a film together for one hour
Impedanz is an experimental documentary real film which has tried always searching for the secrets hidden within the images. Several artists and different locations finding the methods of how to reveal them through Montage composition mison–sen and of course the camera itself.
Der Filmemacher Peiman Biabanaki ist aus dem Iran, der sich in Wien für Experimentalrealfilme interessiert.
Dieser Film ist eine gedankliche Kombination der Kunst der Galerie und der Universität für Angewandte Kunst und der freien Aufführungshalle des Künstlers. Die sozialen Auswirkungen und die Leistung der Einsamkeit, die Integration des Kunstwerks mit Objekten und der Bedarf an Veranstaltung für die künstlerische Darstellung sind die Idee eines minimalen unabhängigen Verbrauchs der künstlerischen Leistung.
Eintritt freiwillige Spende

Minten & González
Electroacoustic Duo
Live electronics Luz González
Bass clarinet Rebecca Minten
This duo starts from the desire to create a common language beyond any aesthetic line or tradition, as well as from the conviction that musical understanding goes beyond these categories. In this project Luz González (live electronics) and Rebecca Minten (bass clarinet) provoke and support each other in equal parts by the use of multiphonics, live processing, sinus tones and pure noise.

Ein Jam der Sprachrohre: Dr.Mad and Friends - Be my friend!
Schöpfungsmythos Schwingung - Das Füllhorn der Illusionen.
Sprache als Klang - mit Bedeutung.
Gefühlsausdruck und Lautmalerei.
Manifestation von Gedanken und Wünschen.
Eine Klangliche Annäherung mit LoopBox und Stimme.
Als kürzlich akademisch geprüfte Klangkünstlerin mäandert MadLane zwischen Freestyle, Partizipation, Rap und Stimmkunst in die diversesten Ecken der Musik.

is an international group founded in Paris as a result of the meeting of two French musicians - saxophonist Liam Szymonik, bassist Tom Boizot - with pianist Miloš Kunc (CZ) and drummer Gustav Hagelskjær (DK). Together, they create a mix of composed and freely improvised music, never escaping the dense intensity and flourishing energy of the group. They make noise, they follow their exploratory intuition and they dare with softness and long silences. Their first album, Jeux, was recorded at the CNSM in Paris and published on Ma Records in 2023. In May of 2024 they are playing their first European tour.

Wasps on Acid
Improv Trio aus Montréal/Wien mit
Julie Delisle - flute, piccolo,
Valentin Duit - drum set,
Vergil Sharkya' - synthesizer, vocoder, effects

LOFI - Fischer Loibner
Michael Fischer - Tenorsaxofon, feedback-saxophone
Bernhard Loibner - digitale und analoge elektronische Klangerzeuger