VEKKS & KostNixLaden
Ratschkygasse 14/1 (Eingang Erlgasse) 1120 Wien
Tel.: +43(0)681 10619938
Email: georg.stejskal@drei.at
amorphq is a concert series held in Berlin, presenting diverse experimental live acts and djsets. Noise, improvised and experimental, Informal music with non-commercial propositions, unconventional techniques, unique instrumentations, open structures, within a collaborative, egalitarian atmosphere, firmly rejecting any discrimination, violence and any type of hierarchies among organizers and artists.
amorphq at Vekks presents:
- PhoLo0
- Benjamin Whitehill
- Moo17 x .pK
- PhoLo0 (solo / electronics)
- Benjamin Whitehill (solo / guitar)
- Moo17 x .pK (duo / electronics)

BOŠTJAN PEROVŠEK - electronics
JAKA ROPRET - e-bass
JAIRO HABIB - guitar
LÁSZLÓ BÓDY - tarogato/ bassclarinett
MÁRTON PALATINSZKY - bassclarinet / sopr. sax
RADIM HANOUSEK - sax, bcl.
PAVEL ZLAMAL - sax, cl.
SEPP WEJWAR - electronics
EMIL GROSS - drums
ein freier dialog der kreativen : tänzerinnen, musikerinnen, malerinnen, poetinnen und dem publikum ; das nicht existente JETZT greift auf raum und zeit zu. die FREIE KOMMUNIKATION rückt ins zentrum;
-> frei im sinne von in „augenhöhe, in gegenseitiger akzeptanz; hierarchie befreit bzw. befreiend“, offen kommunizierend und grenzen überschreitend. FREE FORMS ist offen für alle genres soferne sie sich dem freien, offenen, kreativen dialog aussetzen wollen.
-> JUST MUSIC ist teil der internationalen FREE FORMS bewegung.
------- english ------------
-a free dialogue of the creative : dancers, musicians, painters, poets and the audience ; the non-existent NOW accesses space and time. the FREE COMMUNICATION moves into the centre;
-free in the sense of "on an equal footing, in mutual acceptance; liberating hierarchy", communicating openly and transcending boundaries. FREE FORMS is open to all genres as long as they want to expose themselves to free, open, creative dialogue.
JUST MUSIC is part of the international FREE FORMS movement.

João Gato - Alto sax
A solo set based on an exploration of micro-tonality, with the goal of developing an intense narrative and conceptual language between "nowhere and everywhere" (translated into music by the utilization at the same time of tempered sounds and acoustic intonation variations outside of the the western tradition).
João Gato (n. 2000) is an alto saxophone player based in Copenhagen, improviser and tune-maker working in the areas of Jazz, improvised music and interdisciplinary projects with cinema and dance.